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Licence Signing

In Ontario, you must purchase a Marriage Licence before you get married. It is only valid for 90 days, so you must apply for your Marriage Licence within 3 months of the day you plan to get married. On your wedding day, you must provide your Marriage Licence to your officiant.


Your officiant will fill out the remaining sections of the Marriage Licence as well as the Record of Solemnization which is included with your Marriage Licence.  Your officiant will bring to your ceremony the Marriage Registry which they will fill out with the information provided on your Marriage Licence.


The signing of the Marriage Licence is a legal element of the ceremony.  The couple signs along with two witnesses. The witnesses can be from anywhere in the world but must be over the age of 16. 


For more information on applying for your Marriage Licence please visit:


After your ceremony, your officiant will leave with you the Record of Solemnization. They will send the completed and signed Marriage Licence off to the government within 48 hours of your wedding day.  The government typically takes between 8-12 weeks to register your marriage. At that time, you can purchase your Marriage Certificate, which is the legal proof of Marriage. 

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