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Statement of Intent

The statement of intent is a couple's verbal agreement to marry each other during a wedding ceremony. It's a key part of the ceremony which publicly declares the couple's commitment. During the statement of intent, the officiant asks each person if they'll take their partner as their lawfully wedded spouse, and the couple responds with "I do" or "I will". The statement of intent is legally required during your wedding ceremony.


1. Officiant:

Having freely and prayerfully chosen each other as partners for life, and in an expression of your total commitment to one another, I invite you to face each other and join hands.

________, will/do you have this woman/man to be your wife/husband/partner, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her/him/them, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others to be faithful to her/him/them as long as you both shall live?

Response: I will/do
2. Officiant:
__________, will/do you embrace/take __________, as your wife/husband/partner? As your companion and best friend for life, will you treat her/him/them with love and devotion, honour and respect? Will you stand by her/him/them in the triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring husband/wife/partner? Response:   I will/do
3. Officiant:
__________, do/will you come before this gathering to proclaim your love and devotion for __________? Do/will you promise to affirm her/him/them, respect her/him/them, and care for her/him/them during times of joy and hardship? Do/will you commit yourself to share your feelings of happiness and sadness? Do/will you pledge to remain faithful to her/him/them?

Response: I do/will
4. Officiant:  â€‹

___________, do/will you take ____________, to be your wife/husband/partner? Do/will you promise to love, adore, and encourage her/him/them; share the good times and achievements as well as the hard times and disappointments; keep her/him/them in sickness and in sorrow and to be loyal to her/him/them forevermore?  

Response: I do/will​


5. Officiant: 

__________ Do/will you take ___________ as your wedded wife/husband/partner?

Response: I do/will​​
6. Officiant: ​

__________, will/do you take __________, whose hands you now hold, choosing her/him/them alone to be your wife/husband/partner? Will/do you love her/him/them, comfort her/him/them and show kindness, understanding and respect throughout your lives?  

Response: I will/do​


7. Officiant:
__________, will/do you have __________, to be your wedded wife/husband/partner to live together after God’s ordinance in the Holy Estate of matrimony? Will/do you love her/him/them, comfort and keep her/him/them, and forsaking all others remain true to her as long as you both shall live?

Response: I will/do
8. Officiant:  To Couple
__________ and _________, are you ready to enter into this marriage believing the love you share and your faith in each other will endure all things?  

Answer: We are 


9. Officiant: 
__________, do/will you take ___________, to be your wife/husband/partner, do/will you promise love to her/him/them, respect her/him/them and care for her/him/them, under all conditions and circumstances of life to be a faithful husband/wife/partner to her/him/them for the rest of your lives together?  

Response: I do/will

10. Officiant:  To Couple
You fell in love by chance, but you're here today because you're making a choice. You both are choosing each other. You've chosen to be with someone who enhances you, who makes you think, makes you smile, and makes every day brighter. Will you, __________ and __________, keep each other as the favourite person in your life — to laugh with each other, go on adventures with them, support one another through life's tough moments, be proud of each other, grow old together, and find new reasons to love each other every day?

Response: We will 

11. Officiant:
___________, you've chosen to be with someone who makes you think, makes you smile, and makes every day brighter. Will you keep __________ as the favourite person in your life — to laugh with her, go on adventures with her/him/them, support her/him/them through life's tough moments, be proud of her/him/them, grow old with her/him/them, and find new reasons to love her/him/them every day?Response: I will​

12. Officiant: ​

__________, will/do you take __________ as your wife/husband/partner? Will/do you pledge to her/him/them your love, faith and tenderness, cherishing her/him/them with a husband/wife/partner's loyalty and devotion?  

Response: I will/do
13. Officiant:
Will/do you, ____________, cherish ___________ as your lawful wedded wife/husband/partner, protecting her/him/then, and tending to her/his/their needs through illness and disappointment?  

Response: I will/do


Will/do you strive to understand her/him/them, giving her/him/them comfort when she/he/they seek it from you? Will/do you try never to say in anger that which you wouldn’t say in friendship? And when each night comes, will you go to sleep with thanks for her presence at your side and renewed love for her/him/them in your heart?  

Response: I will/do​


14. Officiant:​

Do you, __________, welcome ___________ as your wife/husband/partner, offering her/him/them your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?  

Response: I do​​


15. Officiant:  

Do you __________, take __________, to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband/partner, to share your life openly, standing with her/him/them in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forever more?  

Response: I do


16. Officiant:  
Do you _____________ promise to love __________ and respect her/him/them, to share your life and your dreams, to build with her/him/them a home that is a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth? Response: I do
Do you promise to be a companion to her/him/them in all of her successes and failures, her/his/their happiness and sadness, to always give to her your unwavering support and above all else, the freedom to be _________?  

Response: I do
17. Officiant:
__________, will/do you take __________ to be your wife/husband/partner, promising to love her/him/them, comfort, honour, respect, and care for her/him/them for the rest of your life?

Response: I will/do​

18. Officiant:​

__________ do you come here today, in the presence of these witnesses, with love in your heart and with a conscious desire to be united in marriage with ___________?  Do you promise to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your lives together and to give to __________ all the loving support she/he/they needs to become the person she/he/they is/are destined to be?

Response: I do​

19. Officiant :​​

___________ do you here in the presence of family and friends, declare your love for and commitment to __________, choosing her/him/them as your life partner and soul mate?  Do you freely offer yourself to her/him/them and willingly accept the gift of self she/he/they offers to you?

Response: I do

20. Officiant:
On this day onward, do/will you choose __________ to be your wife/husband/partner, your best friend and your only love? To live together, play together and laugh together; To work by her/his/their side and dream in her/his/their arms; To fill her/his/their heart and feed her/his/their soul; To always seek out the best in her/him/them; Always loving her/him/them with all your heart, until the end of your forever?

Response: I do/will​

Vow Renewal Options:

1. Officiant:
Will you, __________ re-affirm __________ as your lawful wife/husband/partner? Will you continue to live your life openly with her, and speak the truth to her/him/their with love? Will you continue to honour and tenderly care for her/him/them? And will you continue to cherish and encourage her/him/them fulfillment as an individual throughout all the years ahead of you in your shared life?

Response: I will


2. Officiant: To Couple

__________ and __________ do you now take each other to continue to be your lawfully wedded spouse; to continue to love and be loved for who you actually are; to celebrate your similarities and to rejoice in your differences; to approach your last years with the same joy as you approached the first?​

Couple Responds:  We do


Do you promise to create a new awareness of what to expect… and what to forgive? To plan your future together after the children have grown, the bank account has dwindled and the grandchildren have descended upon you?​

Couple Responds:  We do


And, do you pledge to acknowledge your expectations of each other, based more upon what you now know as reality and less on what you discovered was fantasy?​

Response:  We do


3. Officiant:

__________, you have rejoiced in the highs and endured all the lows of marriage, and you have shown the strength and wisdom it takes to persevere.  With an intimate knowledge of what such a union entails, do you still choose __________ to reaffirm your promises of marriage? 

Response: I do


Do you still desire to love ________, to hold her/him/them above all others and have her as the wife/husband/partner of your heart and partner of your life?

Response: I do

(289) 668-6818

1191 Heaslip Rd, Wellandport, ON L0R 2J0, Canada

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